Monday, November 28, 2005

Beta non-global admin scripts ready to test

We've finished our conversion of the admin pages for vicidial and astguiclient to use non-global vars in PHP. This is a big improvement for security reasons and now together with the agc scripts that are already globals-off compliant you can run your entire web server with the php.ini setting of "register_globals=Off"

Please test as much as you can to find bugs with this in the next two weeks. These pages will work in place of the admin scripts shipped with release 1.1.8.

All feedback/errors/bugs are great encouraged.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Code updates and new translation

We have posted new web admin and web client code on the experimental downloads section of the project website:

There are a few minor fixes and optimizations to the code as well as updated Greek web-client code and a new Greek translation of the admin pages.

Many thanks to Marin Blu for his great work in translating the Greek vocabulary. If you would like to translate astguiclient and vicidial to your native language, or you just see some horrible translations in your native language that we have released already, just look at the most recent languages.txt and languages_admin.txt files on the experimental downloads folder and make the changes and email the file back to me. Please be sure that you are using a UTF-8 compliant text editor when you edit to save me some time in the processing when I receive the file from you.

The new web code will work on the latest 1.1.8 release package, just download to your web server, configure the dbconnect.php and test it to make sure it works.

The TODO.txt file is also on the website now and I will try to keep it updated to the code that is in the experimantal folder:

Thursday, November 10, 2005

astGUIclient 1.1.8 Full Release

I wanted to get this release out there because it fixes several little and a few big bugs and offers some features that many people have been asking about for some time. This release has been fully tested on our production systems for the last two weeks with no issues. Here's a link to the project site where you can download it:
Download astguiclient_1.1.8

This release adds the ability to record every call in a campaign by campaign, and allows for different recording-filename naming schemes by campaign. Also, detailed agent time logging has been added allowing for much more accurate accounting of an agent's time logged into the system(I've also included a report that shows such things as average wait time, wrapup time, talk time and pause time).

Some of the smaller fixes and additions in this release are:
- Default first dial_status to NEW in newly created vicidial_campaigns
- allow a hopper_level choice of 1000 in vicidial_campaigns
- Make VICIDIAL web_form_address, park_ext and park_file_name editable in campaign Detail screen of admin.php
- Fix CustTime to correlate with time zone difference
- Disable the Enter and Return keys in the vicidial web-client to prevent accidental submission which clears out variables and customer fields
- add quotes to AST_CRONmix scripts to allow for recording filenames with spaces in them
- fix ploticus install instructions in SCRATCH_INSTALL
- fix non-standard http port compatibility in vicidial.php and astguiclient.php and path vars

Now that we have finished this release we will be able to spend some time on other things(listed as HIGH priorities in the TODO.txt file) like:
- better PHP5.0 compatibility and removal of requirement for register_globals = On
- adding an agent SCRIPT tab with a script for the agent to read when a call somes to them in VICIDIAL. The script will have the ability to fill in DB data like name, address, etc.
- multi-line comments box option in vicidial
- favorites list in astguiclient.php to show status of favorite local extensions
- and several other small things

Here are the instructions for upgrading from 1.1.7 to 1.1.8:
* if upgrading from 1.1.7 you need to:
- download the new version from the project website
- unzip the zip file into the /home/cron/astguiclient directory
- and either:
+ copy the web pages and all server apps to their proper locations manually
+ or run the script to put all items in their
default places
(make sure and dbconnect.php files are config'd properly)
- multi-language versions of web-clients and admin pages are available in the and files and can be unzipped into your webroot
directory. Make sure you check the dbconnect.php file in each directory.
* if upgrading from 1.1.7 run the upgrade_1.1.8.sql script in MySQL
(\. /home/cron/astguiclient/upgrade_1.1.8.sql)

Let me know what you think.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

New Features and Other Stuff

Last week we finished all of the TODO list HIGH priority items and we have put the changed files on the experimental downloads portion of the project site:

Included are campaign call recording features, the addition of detailed agent time logging and serveral other small fixes and changes.

We have had our main call center up and running with this code for the last 9 days and it's been going great.

Also, I tested Asterisk 1.2 beta 2 release with astguiclient and VICIDIAL and everything seemed to work just fine. I'm planning on putting one of our production servers on it tonight.

As for the next release, I want to make sure no one has any issues with the changes I mentioned above, and after I have a day or two to add some documentation I should be able to make it a release and move on to the next batch of features.

Things have been a bit crazy here lately due to our relocating our corporate office. Having to move T1s, data lines and servers all while trying to stay up as much as possible is not a very easy thing to do and has pretty much taken up all of our available time for the past two weeks. But things are starting to calm down a little bit. We are upgrading the server hardware at one of our call centers next week and after that we should be able to get back into development.