Astricon wrapup
I just got back from Astricon 2005 in Los Angeles and had a great time. I met many new people that were interested in astGUIclient and VICIDIAL and met many people who I have emailed or talked with over the last 3 years. I also learned about many more large-scale VICIDIAL installations that I neve knew about. If my crude math is correct there are at least 60 production installations of VICIDIAL out there in the world with over 2000 seats in them and from what I was told last week that number is about to double very soon.
With the addition of our multi-lingual framework and the Spanish version of the clients and admin pages being available, the project is starting to get noticed in South America, both by customers and some of the legacy call-center vendors that approached me at Astricon. I'm also starting to get a lot more small code contributions and feature suggestions from all over the world. All wonderful things that mean that the project will be around for a long time to come.
I just posted my case-study presentation on the project website here. There is no audio available but it basically outlines how astGUIclient/VICIDIAL started and how the features and size grew over the last 3 years inside of our corporate call-center, the first VICIDIAL installation.
Now that I'm done with Astricon, I can get back to some more development and hopefully have a new release out in a few weeks with some new wonderful features.