Friday, August 05, 2005

agc web client update 0.1.3 and vdc alpha 0.0.20 released

We've fixed several bugs in the astGUIclient web-client and have added some more features to the alpha vicidial-web-client.

The vicidial web-app(alpha 0.0.20) only allows manual dialing(campaign dial_level of 0) but has recording, parking, time synchronization, web form, conference channels viewing, closer/blind transferring, DTMF sending, live call indication, channel live validation and some pretty new buttons that also go grey when functions are unavailable.

Three-way-calling and predictive dialing still are not programmed yet.

Here's a screenshot

Our plans for the VICIDIAL web client are to have it finished by the end of the month. We will be tackling the 3-way-calling functions next, then we will implement predictive dialing and finally inbound calls. At that point it should be ready for production level tests(even though we have actually done some limited production level test with the current code so make sure it would function properly on RedHat Linux 9.0 with Mozilla and it worked just fine)

We hope to have others out there currently using VICIDIAL to try out the new web-client and give us feedback. That will help us to make the final release something that won't need a patch 2 days after initital release.

Installation instructions:
- you must be running astGUIclient version 1.1.4
- first go to the experimental downloads section of the project site:
and download the following files:
- - (unzip on your web server and edit config the dbconnect.php)
- upgrade_1.1.5.sql - run this query on your asterisk database
- /astguiclient_web/admin.phps - copy as the astguiclient admin.php page on your web server
- go to the admin.php asterisk web page and view your asterisk server details, modify the asterisk version field for the version of Asterisk you are running and click submit.